Below are messages I received on April 2-3, from Africans concerned about the lost in Africa based on reading Paul's message (Philippians 1) from a prison in Rome. God continues to sustain us amidst the hopelessness of the situation around us. We too daily pray…that out of this, a gospel explosion will result. Many in Africa have resorted to…running to God more than ever before...with cries for prayer. God willing, I hope to be given 30 minutes of free air on one of the Christian Radio stations in Kampala to give devotions and messages of encouragement. I thank God for such an opportunity even though I will have to walk for about 45 minutes before reaching the station due to a Government ban on movement. All the same I look forward to the opportunity and challenge. - Executive Director Scripture Union Uganda Over 1100 people from 36 nations across Africa observed a prayer moment on Friday 3rd April, 2020. With COVID-19 on the African continent, the question was - Shall we survive and where can we find help? "I look to the mountains; where will my help come from? My help will come from the LORD who made heaven and earth." - Psalm 121:1&2 GNT - from CEO Bible Society of Uganda Thank you for having me and Sudan in your prayers. This shows me the oneness in God’s kingdom. I feel so encouraged when I read this message from you as brother in Christ. It’s also teaching me a lot especially when it come to our situation in Sudan. For people who are from different faith, it seems no one is caring for anyone. But in the kingdom of God we are more than friends, we are sisters and brothers. I am learning this reality from you.These verses has been theme in my life and it will be the theme of my life. Thank you for remembering me. Pass my greetings to Suzanne, and all the prayer team. Tell them that I and my family in large are joining you in this prayer. - from a Pastor My day has been full. We lost a sister in Church due to lack of blood and moving the body at 6:30 PM in order to beat the curfew at 7:00 PM became tricky. We managed to take the body on a dumper truck and we shall bury tomorrow at 12:00 PM. Otherwise there has never been a time when I have seen people thirst for the word of God like now. - From a pastor and regional leader We need to seek God's hand for the rescue of his people. This is the time of people to remember their God. This is the time. - From a pastor We have opened up church platform to reach out those on social media and house fellowships. I thought of having a horn speaker which can cover all community with the gospel. From a pastor in a hard place. - from a Pastor Yesterday it become apparent to me that many of my people will come back from the crisis with no capital to fund their micro businesses which have been their livelihoods and this is going to be one of the biggest challenges of our time to get them going again through provision of the right business skills and funding. And we might just be the people God has been preparing for the work ahead.Thank you for your prayers, today I felt better and I keep steadfast in faith that God will make a way and He has better plans. - From an entrepreneur I thank God for you. I know there is someone out there holding me and others serving in the Lord's vineyard. Today I traveled with the Bible distribution Manager to a district 100 kilometers North of Gulu and distributed 745 Acholi Bibles. I also got a visitor from...45 minutes away and he asked to see me because he wanted to tell me the impact of the Audio Bible in his community, especially now during this crisis. I know you have a heart for Africa but I am also praying for the USA, the numbers on the news breaks our hearts but our hope is still in God our great deliverer. This too shall pass, Healing for the US. - From a leader of trauma healing in Bible Society Each month the General Secretary of Baptist Union of Uganda sends a video to pastors asking them to pray for specific things each month. His request is a good one for those of us looking for ways to pray during this time of COVID-19.
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Mike StuddardAuthorHi, I'm Mike. We at the Africa Bible Project believe that Bibles are a necessary tool in the Life of every African Christian. Archives
April 2024
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