4/17/2020 0 Comments Uganda COVID-19 Emergency AppealApril 17, 2020 - Uganda COVID-19 Emergency Appeal
God's Voice "Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will reward them for what they have done." Proverbs 19:17 UGANDAN PASTORS' VOICES "We are elevated from the pan to the fireplace!" "We are singing to our children to make them sleep when we are nearing former dinner time as we have nothing to feed them." COVID-19 EMERGENCY APPEAL We are in regular contact with church pastors, regional Christian organizations and national ministries in Uganda. They are sharing the disruption caused by COVID-19 virus. In Uganda, the rural church tithe is usually less than $3 per week if that. And churches can't meet now. And regardless of COVID or not all rural pastors must work to feed their family. And work is hard to find now. With COVID-19 lockdown, their congregation and others in the village are looking to them daily for spiritual and physical support. Now more than ever these pastors need to feed their flock as shepherds. As well as feed their own family. They do not have a safety net of savings or now the luxury of a job. My friends of many years, Pastors Monday Bernard and Okumu David, will ensure that your prayer, or your gift will reach a pastor in dire need. I wish you could meet these pastors and hear their hearts for Christ. They echo Paul's: “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair...not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed...For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body...Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." YOU CAN HELP OUR UGANDAN PARTNERS IN THE GOSPEL IN THREE WAYS - encourage them by sending a written prayer by replying to this email. Your prayer will go out to hundreds of pastors who have received Bibles for their church. - pray for them now and then reply to this email that you have prayed. We will tell these pastors how many have prayed for them. They believe prayer goes to our God who hears and acts. - make a gift to Africa Bible Project Meals Appeal by donating to the Disciple Makers Network via credit card or check designating the gift as "Africa Meals". $1 feeds one person two meals each day. $10 feeds a family of 10 two meals for one day. $210 feeds a family of 10 for the next three weeks. The funds will go to selected pastors involved in Bible distribution based on the need. If you would like to support these meals electronically via credit card, you may use the "Donate" button below, which will take you to Disciple Makers Network which is our partner in collecting funding for the project. Indicate "Africa MEALS." If you prefer Snail Mail, please make your tax deductible check to: Disciple Makers Network. Send the check to: Disciple Makers Network, PO Box 770902, Memphis, TN 38177. Please indicate in the memo line: "Africa - MEALS" Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the foe.
Below are messages I received on April 2-3, from Africans concerned about the lost in Africa based on reading Paul's message (Philippians 1) from a prison in Rome. God continues to sustain us amidst the hopelessness of the situation around us. We too daily pray…that out of this, a gospel explosion will result. Many in Africa have resorted to…running to God more than ever before...with cries for prayer.
God willing, I hope to be given 30 minutes of free air on one of the Christian Radio stations in Kampala to give devotions and messages of encouragement. I thank God for such an opportunity even though I will have to walk for about 45 minutes before reaching the station due to a Government ban on movement. All the same I look forward to the opportunity and challenge. - Executive Director Scripture Union Uganda April 3, 2020 - African day of prayer
"The heart of man plans his way but the LORD establishes his steps." Proverbs 16:9 GNB Most countries in Africa have begun draconian lockdown measures. Banning travel in vehicles with few exceptions. Food is being restocked but slowly. Those living hand to mouth are finding it harder and harder to find food or pay for food. The United Bible Societies of Africa, the Baptist Union of Uganda and many other groups representing every country in Africa have called for prayer for Africa on April 3rd. Please consider joining in prayer with the following suggested format: |
Mike StuddardAuthorHi, I'm Mike. We at the Africa Bible Project believe that Bibles are a necessary tool in the Life of every African Christian. Archives
April 2024
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