Morning Distribution - The road endsBukana Island Where the Road Ends
We travel over some of the roughest roads I have seen in a while to reach Bukana Island. While it is an island, only 6% of the people have access to safe water and one of the most dangerous places in Uganda to be a mother. Bukana is on Lake Victoria and connected to the mainland via swampy marshes which a few years ago was reached by piling papyrus reeds on top of one another to walk. More recently a rocked road has been built to reach the island by car.
Morning Distribution - Mukaniro Christian Fellowship, Bwaniha, UgandaFellowship of Believers - The Church on Display
Pastor Wycliffe wanted to bring together as many denominations as possible to improve the fellowship among believers in this community. As we taught, the crowd grew and grew as we passed out 340 Bibles in three languages. 2/12/2020 0 Comments Feb 12, 2020 - Japadhola CountryJAPADOHOLA KINGDOM
Today we were near the Kenya border occupied by the Japadhola tribe. The Japadhola Kingdom is fighting to keep their cultural dominance in the region. Last year, the President of Uganda visited and asked "that the Itesots and Japadhola live in harmony...(and) desist from dragging the ordinary people into their fights." No matter where the Japadhola live they are fiercely loyal to other tribe members. SUPREME BEING - WERE Their tradition assert that they have always believed in one Supreme Being called Were. He was believed to take care of the home and the family. Few Japadhola worship Were today. Some scholars believe they came from Egypt and are part of the Nilo-Hamite group (Ham, the 2nd son of Noah.) Today was the first of five days distributing Bibles to the poor in areas near the Ugandan and Kenyan border. The pattern each day will be the same.1/14/2020 1 Comment U. S. Team to Deliver 3,000 BiblesA team from the U. S. to help distribute 3,000 BiblesOn February 8th, we will leave to the USA to visit ten villages in rural Uganda. We will help our Uganda partners distribute over 3,000 Bibles to those who are thirsty for God's Word but cannot afford a Bible.
1/14/2020 0 Comments January 14th, 2020272 Bibles delivered to Christians gathered from 32 churchesDiscipleship Church, Mutumba, Uganda On Thursday January 9, 2020, 272 Christians gathered from 32 churches across the district to receive a Bible in their own language. Many received their first Bible ever. Many received a Bible in their own language for the first time ever. Most of them took time then to sit and read from their very own personal Bible. And one pastor (see photo of his Bible below) received a needed replacement for his old worn out Bible. 1/10/2020 0 Comments January 10, 2020Bet you can't guess which countries have the largest evangelical populations...Listed below are the ten countries with the largest evangelical* populations:
1/10/2020 0 Comments January 10, 2020What is it like to be a child on your own in a Uganda refugee campThousands of children live in refugee camps without a parent or guardian. We see this in the camps. Fortunately there are several Christian based orphanages in the camps, which provide care, spiritual guidance and faith-based trauma healing. His Voice Global operates an orphanage in Rhino Camp where I got to visit. What a vision for the Gospel and for children to share the Gospel through their ministries. You can read an article here on the life a child in one of the camps. We are partnering with Scripture Union in northern Uganda to provide a few thousand Bibles for children and youth in the refugee camps in Northern Uganda. These 2,500 or so Bibles are just a drop in the bucket for what is needed. If you are led, please pray to God for discernment for support of the Bible Project. Please pray that each of these Bibles are given to a child who is thirsty for God's Word. 1/9/2020 0 Comments January 9, 2020Childcare Worldwide announces children and youth Bible Distribution.One of our partners, Childcare Worldwide, an international child sponsorship ministry, announced today that they will provide a Bible to each of its sponsored children in Uganda. Bible distribution will begin with a kickoff on Jan. 13, 2020, in Entebbe, Uganda. You can read the news article here. |
Mike StuddardAuthorHi, I'm Mike. We at the Africa Bible Project believe that Bibles are a necessary tool in the Life of every African Christian. Archives
April 2024
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